

“Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.”

Acts 20:28


Dale Geistweidt

Dale Geistweidt

Elder since 2016.

Dale was raised just up the road in Mason, Texas. After graduating from Mason High School, he attended Texas A&M University and earned a degree in Agricultural Economics. Dale and Kaylyn moved to Fredericksburg in 1984 when Dale began working for Security State Bank & Trust where he is the Senior Vice President. Never straying far from their ranching roots, they also manage a cattle ranching operation in Mason with the help of their children and grandchildren.

He met his wife, Kaylyn, while they were students together at Mason High School. The Geistweidts are proud parents of three sons and one daughter who have added six grandchildren to the family.

Dale is well-known in our community as a servant, having worked on several local boards and in civic volunteer organizations including the Fredericksburg Jaycees, Fredericksburg Visitors Bureau, Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce, Fredericksburg Independent School District Board of Trustees, and Save Our Scenic Hill Country Environment.

Dale was baptized into Christ in 1983 while at the A&M Church of Christ. Between graduation and moving to Fredericksburg, Dale and Kaylyn briefly lived in Cotulla, Texas. Dale was newly-baptized at the time, but the small Cotulla church lovingly put him to work and depended upon him. This environment of responsibility was a great time of spiritual growth and maturing. They briefly moved to Uvalde and soon to Fredericksburg, joining the congregation here. In 1992 Dale was asked to serve as a deacon and since 2016 he has served as an elder.

Dale reflects, “I love the Lord because He first loved me.  I live each day with the assurance that God loves me and faithfully provides everything I need to serve him.”



Tim Deines



Jerry Taylor

Jerry Taylor

Elder since 2002.

Jerry is a native of Central Texas, having graduated from Hamilton High School and the University of Texas at Austin. After college, Jerry moved north to Wyoming and Colorado, and later back down to the Houston area, for a career as a petroleum landman.  Since 1995 he has been an independent consultant for various oil companies.

While living up north, Jerry met and married Marty. In 2016 they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They are proud of their two children, Kami and Paul. Kami and her husband Patrick live in Tennessee where Patrick serves as a preacher. Paul and his wife Amy live in Fredericksburg and are involved in medical missionary work to Peru. The Taylors have four grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

Jerry served seven years as a deacon in Casper and Denver, before serving seven years as an elder of the Bear Valley church of Christ. Returning to Texas, the Taylors were part of planting the Woodland Oaks Church of Christ (The Woodlands) before moving to Fredericksburg. Jerry has enjoyed leading singing, teaching adult and youth Bible classes, and has taken five short-term missionary trips (Namibia, Nicaragua, and Peru). Jerry has been involved with the campus ministry at the University of Wyoming and was co-director of the Singing Youth of Denver (SYD) for eight years.

Jerry finds special encouragement and strength in Isaiah 40:29-31, because it encourages believers to not give up hope nor become discouraged in doing good since the Lord provides strength when we feel like quitting.



Fred Wilson




Charlie Worrell

Charlie and his wife, Ursula have been married for over fifty years and have been members at the Fredericksburg Church of Christ since 1981. They have two sons who are married and three grandsons in all.

Charlie served in the U.S. Coast Guard as a lighthouse keeper at Goat Island, located off Cape Porpoise near Kennebunkport in southern Maine. Charlie retired from Pennzoil Offshore Exploration, where he honed his skill as a mechanic. Charlie is a graduate of Texas State Technical College.

Before being asked to serve as an elder, Charlie served the Fredericksburg church as a deacon. Presently he heads up our jail ministry. Charlie has done mission work in South Africa, Namibia, and Russia. He has also trained missionaries in South Africa on the mechanics and care of the vehicles used to do mission work in the African bush country (Gospel Chariot Ministries).